Identification and disposal of packaging materials
- The environmental labeling of packaging is governed at EU level by Decision 97/129CE and recalled by EU Directive 2018/852 relating to packaging and packaging waste.
- This Directive was implemented in Italy with Legislative Decree 116/2020, published in the Official Gazette on 11 September 2020, which amended Legislative Decree 152/2006 (and subsequent updates and amendments), also known as the “Consolidated Law Environmental” as well as the current national reference standard on packaging and packaging waste.
- The art. 3 paragraph 3 letter c) of the Decree amended art. 219, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 on the subject of “Information criteria for the management of packaging waste” by establishing the obligation of environmental labeling on packaging.
- Law 21 May 2021, n. 69 which converts the decree law 41/2021 – c.d. Support Decree –
provides for the complete suspension until 31 December 2021 of the application of the entire paragraph 5 of art. 219 of Legislative Decree no. 152 of 2006 regarding the environmental labeling of packaging. - Lo stesso Decreto Sostegni prevede, inoltre, che i prodotti privi dei requisiti prescritti dall’art. 219, comma 5 e già immessi in commercio o etichettati al 1°gennaio 2022, potranno essere commercializzati fino ad esaurimento delle scorte.